Thursday, 21 March 2013

Finishing the Unit



Know about the broadcast & non- broadcast audio products & formats


Research:  Introduction to radio


Examples can be shown in different forms:


Introduction to types of audio production and show an understanding of formats, and delivery.


To complete the above section :


Research the differences between Non Broadcast Radio and Broadcast radio .(  You can use the internet for this ) – should take 15 minutes


Answer the questions  in full sentances ( 15min max)

3)Why are genres used in the different types of broadcast radio or non broadcast radio.This should take 15min max to complete

4) using the chart think about the different radios and explain which catergory they fit into . For example Broadcast and Non Broadcast Radio.

20 min without the internet.



Pre- Production:

Be able to use audio technology to create a product:


Recording technologies: microphones; recording and editing formats, eg digital, CD, hard disk, mixing desks; studio recording, eg studio layout and operation, on-air and off-air protocols; monitoring levels.


Recording situations: eg live recordings, as-live recordings, interviews, commentaries, studio and outside broadcast, atmosphere, wild track, effects, live entertainment performances.


Pre-production: ideas (format, content, style, audience, length); script; schedules; budgets; risk assessments.

Development of ideas for audio Pre-Production


1)  Audience, Format, Genre, Outside Broadcast,  Studio, Sfx,  Equipment, Atmosphere, Wild tracks, Style, Script,  Schedule and Risk assessment

1)    Create a mind map/spider diagram  of potenential ideas you could use

2)    List 3 ideas  you could use and develop into a show

3)    Choose 1 idea and explain

a.    Why you have chosen the idea?

b.    Who is the audience?

c.    What genre it is?

d.    What format are you using

e.    How does it fit into a broadcast on Hewett Radio

f.     Are you using Open or Closed questions

g.    Are you interviewing people and why?

h.    What atmospere do you want to creae

i.      Where you could be recording ( studio or out side)

j.      Music tracks?

k.    Wild Tracks

l.      Pre recordings

m.   Sound effects you could use

n.    Style of your show/recording /radio product


4)    Write a schedule for your recording .

 Include the following:

a.    Where you will be recording?

b.    Equpiment ( hire etc).

c.    Actors/ interviewees/characters.

d.    Sound effects.

e.    Additional music recordings.


5)    Write the script for your show.

Incude ( remember your show should not be longer than 10 min)

a.    SFX

b.    Wild track

c.    Actors/ Characters

d.    Music

e.    Timings

Review& Evaluate.



a.    Technical process

                                          i.    How difficult did you find the process?

                                        ii.    Were there any issues you found easy?

                                       iii.    What problems did you come across?

                                       iv.    How did you solve them?

                                        v.    USE EXAMPLES

                                       vi.    What elements did you change from your concept or first idea?

                                      vii.    Why did you change or improve elements? Such as colours, type font s and layouts

                                    viii.    USE EXAMPLES

b.    Time management:

                                          i.    If you had more time are there any elements you could use to improve it?

                                        ii.    Use EXAMPLES

7)    Self-Evaluate:

a.    What are you opinions?

b.    How does it link to you audience ?

c.    Final Outcome?

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